
Directives to my son


By Shanoo In a previous blog I discussed the importance of communicating medical directives to family members and doctors. Which got me thinking about the kinds of ‘directives’ I’ve been issuing to my family over the years. Seems they come quite naturally and easily to me! As a parent one gets used to issuing daily [...]

Directives to my son2018-08-01T10:35:52+02:00

Transitions, Milestones, and moving from fear to acceptance


We’ve started a conversation through establishing Transition Solutions, we’ve been told, about aging, about moving into a new phase of our lives, about downsizing, about where to live, about our health as we grow older and what will be possible when the time comes to leave our memory-filled family homes. All these and related themes [...]

Transitions, Milestones, and moving from fear to acceptance2018-03-12T13:22:27+02:00